Archive for the ‘poetry’ Category

Solomon’s Crooked Crown

Solomon was busy judging others,
when it was his personal thoughts
that were disrupting the community.

His crown slid crooked on his head.
He put it straight, but the crown went
awry again. Eight times this happened.

Finally, he began to talk to his headpiece.
“Why do you keep tilting over my eyes?”
“I have to. When your power loses compassion,
I have to show what such condition looks like.”

Immediately Solomon recognized the truth.
He knelt and asked for forgiveness.
The crown centered itself on his crown.

When something goes wrong, accuse yourself first.
Even the wisdom of Plato or Solomon
can wobble and go blind.

Listen when your crown reminds you
of what makes you cold toward others,
as you pamper the greedy energy inside.

– Rumi

Translation – Coleman Barks

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Oneness and Happiness



Practise the feeling of oneness.
Do not try to get ahead of others
You are bound to be supremely happy.

– Sri Chinmoy

Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees no. 38,315

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The Wild Flower’s Song – W.Blake


As I wandered the forest,
The green leaves among,
I heard a Wild Flower
Singing a song.

“I slept in the earth
In the silent night,
I murmured my fears
And I felt delight.

“In the morning I went
As rosy as morn,
To seek for new joy;
But oh! met with scorn.”

William Blake

Image from Sri Chinmoy Centre Galleries

The Golden Flute

A sea of Peace and Joy and Light
Beyond my reach I know.
In me the storm-tossed weeping night
Finds room to rage and flow.

I cry aloud, but all in vain;
I helpless, the earth unkind
What soul of might can share my pain?
Death-dart alone I find.

A raft am I on the sea of Time,
My oars are washed away.
How can I hope to reach the clime
Of God’s eternal Day?

But hark! I hear Thy golden Flute,
Its notes bring the Summit down.
Now safe am I, O Absolute!
Gone death, gone night’s stark frown!

By: Sri Chinmoy

From: My Flute