Transcending on your Knees

Ashrita Furman breaking a new Guiness record for crawling .

Ashrita crawled on his hands and knees as fast as he could to cover a mile in 24 minutes and 32 seconds, beating the previous Guinness record of 29 minutes and 27 seconds. Ashrita’s latest record was watched by some enthusiastic children who were pleased to see someone crawling as fast as they could. Ashrita is a meditation student of Sri Chinmoy. He says his meditation training enables him to be flexible in taking on new challenges. He sets records to show others that we all have unlimited potential if we can harness the power of the spirit.

Photo by Jowan Sri Chinmoy Centre Galleries

More on record


Ashrita’s upside down juggling Record

Quote on Patience


"Patience is a tree that grows within us and produces not one fruit, but four fruits: wisdom, joy, peace and victory. Patience requires energy as well as the co-operation of the body, the vital and the mind. Without patience, the mind works automatically, like a machine. It moves by compulsion, not by choice. It is restless; it darts here and there. The body may be inert, but the mind is constantly roaming. There can be no peace without patience."




By: Sri Chinmoy

From: Illumination Fruits

Photo by Richard Sri Chinmoy Centre Galleries


Patience is not inertia. Inertia is a negative and destructive way of approaching the Truth. It is stagnant, and that which is stagnant eventually leads to destruction. But patience is dynamic; it always goes forward toward the goal. Patience has the steady movement of growth and is always accompanied by peace. This peace can never be mistaken for inertia which is always accompanied by restlessness.




Quote Blog


Doubt Ourselves

"When we doubt others, in the outer world we may not lose anything. When we doubt God, in the outer world we may not lose anything. But when we doubt ourselves, we lose everything. We lose in the outer world and we lose in the inner world as well."

Quote – what is spirituality

"In my view, spirituality can never mean the rejection of life or the total negation of life. To me, spirituality means the true acceptance of life. We have to accept life as it is now. But we must not be satisfied with this life, we cannot be satisfied with this life as such. It is our bounden duty to change the face of the world. But how can we do it? We can do it only when we ourselves are changed within and without. "


"Time is that which man always tries to kill, but which ends in killing him."

  • Herbert Spencer

When Righteousness declines

"Whenever righteousness declines and unrighteousness prevails, I embody Myself, O Arjuna. To protect the good, to destroy the wicked and to establish dharma [the code of life], I come into being from age to age."

  • Sri Krishna from Bhagavad Gita